Jim White, K4OJ
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 01:04:32 -0800
----- Original Message -----
From: <mcduffie@actcom.net>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: [Towertalk] CRANK UP TOWERS
> On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 22:39:20 -0800, Jim White, K4OJ wrote:
> > Check out what you are shelling out for the collapsible
> > the price to a fixed tower....there is NO comparison...put that money in
> > bank...and save yourself some fingers and toes.
> Read what you've written, Jim. Everything you say negative is brought
> about by unwise decisions.
Isee - the tower must be safe therefore I will just start climbing it...
If the tower can "settle" an extra inch or
> so, then you have already broken the first rule!
That is interesting...you mean like check to make sure everything is safe
and secure...like I did!
Pay attention to the
> conversation here.
I am - you are simply trying to force your lack of desire to climb a tower
down the publics throat!
We're talking about properly maintained and operated
> towers, and people with common sense and safe practices.
Oh I see, I just started climbing on a tower without making sure everything
appeared Kosher...I have no value I put on my own well being? Do you climb?
If you do then you know that you don't just jump on it. I am talking about
a situation where evewrything appeared in order - even pieces of lumber were
stuck through the tower as insurance...just in case...of course nothing ever
rusts or breaks on anything you own - aqnd you have never seen a weld break
which looked fine to the naked eye.
What you
> describe involves none of those things.
No what you think I am describing would - read my series of posts - I am not
talking anecdotal information I am talking first hand experience!
Take the emotions out of this
> and discuss fact.
Fact is that crankups are complicated devices which can and DO have problem
by their very nature. Why - because they are complex mechanical
contrivances...my opriginal posting points out that the simple guyed or
fixed tower has none of the weak links I sighted.
> There are lots of horror stories out there. They all have causes, and
> most of them are human.
Especially when you consider that humans made every tower, huh.
More moving parts = more problems....fewing moving parts = fewer problems -
it is as simple as that. Do not blame the "reckless owner" when a weld
It is not a complicated formulae here - base anchored in concrete or on pier
pin...guyed at recommended intervals - DONE! Versus...cbales/pulleys/hinges
and other potential points of failure that do not exist on the fixed towers!
My guess is you sell or manufacture crankups...and yes they are safer when
they are maintained properly - but what isn't - including fixed towers!!!!
Jim, K4OJ
> gm
> --
> There is no x in my ISPs domain name.
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