Thu, 14 Mar 2002 23:38:59 -0700
On Fri, 15 Mar 2002 01:04:32 -0800, Jim White, K4OJ wrote:
> I am - you are simply trying to force your lack of desire to climb a tower
> down the publics throat!
I have no problem climbing a safe tower, and have done it for the last
40 years. Due to age and increasing weight problems, I don't do it as
much as I used to. I've not been above about 700', but I'm very
comfortable on a tower. I have no problem maintaining my repeater
antenna at 500' today. I just don't climb as fast as I used to. ;o)
Thank you.
I still think you are pushing this on an emotional basis. I'm scared to
death of tower failure, fixed or crank up. If I'm biased, it is toward
fixed, but only because I know most people don't maintain things as well
as they should. I've seen the results in both cases, up close. I have
no problem with either type when properly maintained. I have lots of
problem with either type when not properly maintained. I strongly
disagree with you about the safety issues when it comes to working on
top of a 20 or 30 foot properly nested crankup tower vs a fixed tower of
substantial height.
I'm done.
There is no x in my ISPs domain name.