[Towertalk] It's a coincidence, I swear!

jljarvis jljarvis@abs.adelphia.net
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 09:08:28 -0500

My last post referenced the W1CW tower, as an
example of a well done Florida installation.
Turns out that Bob White's son, who presented the 
Dayton paper, is none other than Jim White, W4OJ.  
As readers of this thread know, Jim is a passionate advocate of fixed  
towers.  This wasn't a setup....merely memory failure on my part.

Any of these structures have their applications.  Pick
your poison.  Handle it accordingly.

One salient point came up:  Properly designed structures 
will not survive assault from a 100mph house trailer.  You
can't afford to design for all possible perils.  Too expensive,
too ugly.  Crankup advocates should point out they're smaller
targets when nested.  


1)  Anybody care to wade in on tubular type crankups?

2)  WHAT has been used successfully as cable protection?
I've used Krylon aluminum paint, and allowed it to soak
the cable completely.  Then, touched it up with spray every
few times up and down.  This never quite dried...and the
tower was kept in the down state when not used, so the spray
was regularly renewed.  
    Truthfully, that never seemed quite right, but it DID lube
where the cable went over the sheaves, and it DID seem to keep
water running off the cable.  
    I'd really like some input here.

3)  Anybody with first-hand experience with AB621 surplus towers?
Would like to hear from you directly, if so.

Jim N2EA