[Towertalk] deed restrictions

Jim Reid jimr.reid@verizon.net
Sat, 16 Mar 2002 15:41:54 -1000

Evidently these CC&R restrictions can expire.  At least
here in Hawaii they do.  We bought a 20 some year
old home which had had restrictions.  The neighbors
were a bit upset when I put up my MA-550 with a quad
on top (Spring of 1992).

So,  they took me to task for not having a zoning variance
and use permit.  In the process of working that through
the county bureaucracy,  a hurricane (Iniki) came along
and destroyed the quad,  but left the 550 in place ( it
was down for the storm).  However,  immediately after
the storm,  I was able to get the driven element of the quad
sort of back together,  and just put it up over the top of
the 550,  and cranked it up to 30 feet or so.  The quad
element tilted toward California,  so I became a hero
because there was no other communication off Kauai
for our area of the island for weeks!!

The neighbors all decided having me in the area was now
a fine idea -- one even brought me a bottle of Jack Daniels!
I replaced the destroyed quad with a yagi;  that satisfied
the most fussy lady in the area,  hi.

Anyway,  first meeting of the Planning Commission,  later on
and I had my zoning variance and use permit,  and a note that
the former CC&R restrictions were expired.  Check to see
if you do find an older development to be sure that the applicable
restrictions may have expired.  There was no organized
owners association here after the developer left years ago.

73,  Jim  KH7M