[Towertalk] Re: G-1000SDX

Ian Ross tge@supanet.com
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 15:52:24 -0000

Hi Robert,

I have the instruction manual for G-1000SDX.
The manual is a little long winded but I will summarise.

Turn the rotator fully anticlockwise to 0 deg and note the direction the
antenna is pointing.  If the indicator needle doesnt match and you dont
feel like going up the tower to set the antenna to 0 deg you can take off
the bezel on the front of the controller by twisting it anti-clockwise and
manually turn the needle to point to whatever the beam's heading is.

Now rotate the antenna for 360deg by making sure the antenna is pointing
exactly the direction is was before you started and then use the full
scalea adj pot to get the indicator needle pointing at the same bearing. ..
and that should be that set up.

Now for the preset knob.

Set the preset control to 0 deg and press the preset button.
Rotation should stop at 0 deg. Now turn the preset control slightly
clockwise and note whether the rotator moves. If the rotator stopped before
the indicator reached 0 deg or if it didnt respont when the PRESET control
was set slightly clockwise adjust PRESET ADJ B pot and repeat this step.

Set preset control to 360 deg. rotaton should stop at 360 (0) deg, if not
adjust PRESET ADJ A and repeat this step.

If you still cant get the knob aligned then you can pull it off and push it
on at the right place.

And that should be it.. Thats all that the manual says about it, hope this
helps you out.



> Subject: [Towertalk] G-1000SDX
> Hello everyone, at the G4RS station we have a Yaesu G-1000SDX. Over the
> years the pots on the back have all been tweaked a bit, and the set up
> instructions cannot be found. Has anyone got any advice on re-setting up
> this rotator, or do you know of a website perhaps that could help. Seems
> me a full rotation on the dial doesnt represent a 360 deg rotation of the
> beam. Also if you set it up so the indicator and the beam are aligned,
> the full turning circle on the dial is not available one way. I
> that the beam may have turned in the clamps and may need re-aligning, but
> wouuld like to get the rotator back where it should be first annd then
> it from there. Thanks to all who reply, Cheers
> Robert Webb
> Maintenance op at G4RS.