[Towertalk] Re: Rohn in Trouble

WW4T@aol.com WW4T@aol.com
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:15:41 EST

    Imagine........climbing a MJF tower, supporting a MFJ antenna fed,by MFJ 
coax, hooked to MFJ rigs and amplifiers, in search of elusive QSL cards 
supplied by MFJ.........all this while strapped to said tower  by MFJ  safety 
harness and equipment. 
   When you are back on the ground by whatever means, maybe you can read  the 
latest issue of QST that is published by its new owner, MFJ.

   Kinda makes you wonder which of the 2 organizations would benefit most 
from that scenario doesn't it?
   73  Bob   '4t

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