[Towertalk] I need help

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg@harts.org.hk
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 04:15:57 +0000

After removing the cables from the lift shaft, I would suggest PY4RO check into
the lift company's claim - if the building management allowed him to run them
there to begin with, there may be an element of "just say no" which may be
rearing its ugly head here.

Quite a few stations in blocks of flats here & cables down the lift shaft 
was not
a problem at VS6DX's QTH, despite well-intentioned British colonial building
laws & regulations, plus the usual uncooperative lift contractors, building
management & the like.

Cables down the outside of the building can be problematic, but a few QTHs ago
I had 12 floors worth of feeders carefully lowered down the _back_ of the 
building &
run between the wall of the building & external pipes, therefore keeping them
pretty much in place.  Done right, nothing for anyone to complain about & this
again was a rented flat with a typical HK building management company.

It should be noted that in all instances, steps were taken - if necessary - 
to make
sure there was no TVI or anything else to give anyone an excuse to say no.

If there is no other way than the staircase, then I would suggest doing as
XX9KA did - everything in a conduit in one corner, straight down.  Admittedly a
bit of work, but some PVC pipe & a little concrete is probably cheaper than 

73, VR2BrettGraham