[Towertalk] Is there a 2 element hf beam?

n4kg@juno.com n4kg@juno.com
Sun, 24 Nov 2002 21:48:59 -0600

Since you already "several C3's" why not just use them.
They are pretty light...

OR, you could modify one of them to make a C3S 
which has 3 reflectors, one each for 10, 15, and 20M
and NO directors, on a 12 ft boom.  Personally, I think
this is an ELEGANT 2L Design.  The C3SS uses
linearly loaded elements on 20M for even smaller size
(shorter 20M elements) on the same 12 ft boom.

The Mosley TA32 is a well built 2L Yagi with a trapped
DE and Trapped Reflector on a short (7 ft?) boom and
uses direct feed of the DE.

The HyGain TH2 is also a trapped 2L Yagi with a Beta
Matched DE and is reputed to work "amazingly well".

The 'back end' of a TH6 should make a nice 2L tribander
as well.  It 'may' require some tuning adjustments.

Tom  N4KG

On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 "Gordon D. Blank" <n7vy@qrp.net> writes:
> Greetings,
> I am trying to get back into contesting and due to CC&R's, I am 
> looking at
> operating portable. I have several Force 12 C-3's but I think that 
> these
> will be to big to set-up and handle by myself. Is there a 
> manufacturer that
> makes a 2 element beam currently or in the past? I had to miss my 
> first SS
> in 6 years and I am bummed out.
> Thanks
> Gordon N7VY/6/qrp
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