[Towertalk] Climbing Masts
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 10:38:51 -0800
I theoretically fully agree with you Steve, b u t
I hate climbing step ladders, imagine how I feel when I have to paint the
facia. I bought some gizmos that go into the top rounds of the extension
ladder then sit on the roof. Felt much safer, once I climb the ladder,
being using my steel shanked hiking boots lately, and start cleaning
painting etc I am OK. It then is easier to move the ladder and climb
again. But it takes a lot of mental work. I think that it helps when one
feels a little secure. You helped with the comment think about the car
trying to pull the tower over. Doesnot help with the ladder though.
So thanks for those comments.
Chris opr VE7HCB
At 11:20 AM 2002-11-27 -0500, you wrote:
> Well, you said it - "I keep thinking". Climbing is about 90% mental so
>you're psyching yourself out. It's a matter of relaxing your mind and quit
>listening to your conscious self.
> Masts (even pipe ones) are danged strong - you'd have to hook a big rope
>from them to your car and have it drive away before you'd even start to bend
>one. A 240' person on the mast isn't anywhere close to that sort of stress.
> Imagine the mast laying horizontally about 6-feet off the ground. What
>would happen if you grabbed the end of it and hung from it? Would it bend a
>little? Sure. Would it collapse? No way.
> Next time you're climbing and your mind starts to play with you, just
>picture your car hooked up to the mast and not being able to bend it over.
>Steve K7LXC