[Towertalk] Power ground rod driver

Dick Flanagan dick@twohams.com
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 20:11:42 -0800

 >In a message dated 11/28/02 8:16:12 AM Pacific Standard Time,
 >w2up@mindspring.com writes:
 >> I went through this about a number of years ago. Here' we have a lot of
 >>  shale about 4 feet down. I typically use a sledge hammer to get the rods
 >>  in. Once, I rented a Bosch electric jack hammer (60 lbs as I recall) and
 >>  ground rod driver. Most of them still wouldn't penetrate the rock. So, I
 >>  cut them off at ground level with a hack saw, and just put more in the
 >>  ground.
 >    Another thing you can do is to put the ground rods in the ground
 >horizontally. You'll still get half of a hemisphere of influence which might
 >be better than a short rod.

If you're going to lay them in a trench, you don't need the strength (and 
cost) of a steel rod.  Get some thin-wall copper tubing at the local 
hardware store.  I used two-inch copper strap at the bottom of fifty-foot 

73, Dick
Dick Flanagan W6OLD OOTC CFII Minden, Nevada
Visit http://www.cvrc.net