[Towertalk] Dual band dipoles

Barry Kirkwood bjk@ihug.co.nz
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 08:43:39 +1200

I would appreciate information on:

(1) Reference to article in QST by J. Lattin on dual band dipoles using =
lumped inductance to separate high and low band sections.

(2) Ball park value of inductance required to make add-on 40m section to =
20m dipole. Assume inner to be 3/4in (20mm) diameter tube to resonate at =
14.1, outer section 6ft (1.8m) 0.5in (13mm) tube. I believe there are =
computer programs out there that can do the job, but I do not own one.

Thanks and 73
Barry Zl1DD =20

Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
Signal Hill Homestay
66 Cory Road
Palm Beach
Waiheke Island 1240
ph/fax 64-9-372-5161

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