[Towertalk] Crankup Tubular "Towers"

John von Gonten n5bsd@rblprd.com
01 Oct 2002 15:56:45 -0500

I have been considering the US Tower MA-40 or MA-550 crankup tubular
tower as they call them, closer to a tubular crankup mast IMHO.

has anyone had any dealing with these in real world situations, these
are the 40' and 55' models.  Are they worth the money? Do the really
perform well in a sometimes windy area.

I live in North Central / North East Texas.  D/FW to be specific.

I have a small lot to deal with and do not really have room for much int
eh backyard and will not put anything in the front due to neighborhood

Any and all input will be greatly appreciated.


| John von Gonten   - N5BSD        | ERROR 406: file corrupt:           
| Grid-Square: EM12lr              | config.earth --- reboot universe?  
| Email : N5BSD@rblprd.com         | (Y/N)
| WEB   : http://www.rblprd.com    |

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