[Towertalk] GAO Challenger DX

n4kg@juno.com n4kg@juno.com
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 18:44:10 -0600

On Mon, 07 Oct 2002  Dinsterdog@aol.com writes:
> I feel a Hustler 5BTV would outperform the Challenger on the low 
> bands but be beat on the higher freqs.............

Based on what?   Is the 5BTV Base Loaded or trapped?
(Base loading is the LEAST efficient method)  N4KG

GAP antennas SUCK on the Lowest Band of operation where they 
are centerloaded by a transformed capacitance to inductance,
BUT they seem to play well on the next higher bands.  N4KG

>Low angle beats out dipoles on long range DX, especially on the low

(Are you ignoring the HIGH ground losses and Brewster Angle (suckout)
effects of verticals on the HIGH bands?)  Dipoles at 40 to 60 ft are
VERY effective on the high bands (10 thru 30).  

Brewster angle effects
(suckout of LOW vertically polarized angles over lossy earth) 
KILLS verticals on the high bands unless surrounded
by Salt Water.  N4KG

> I worked  a 5BTV from a backyard in France without radials working 
> grayline  40/80M DX stateside with no problems...a neighbor down 
> the road had a Gap and seldom  worked stateside and never ever on 
> 80M...........the 5BTV is the most under-rated antenna out there- 
> they should double the price and it might get the attention it 
> deserves- BTW, use radials if you can and throw out these 
> independent of radial verticals-  You might as well buy a car 
> without tires-  
> 73 Paul  N0AH 

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