[Towertalk] 40m 4sq array
Jim Vining
Fri, 18 Oct 2002 20:07:18 -0400
I tried one on 80 meters for a few months on a 120 ft. tower. I talked
to K8UR on 80 ssb one night and he told me to get the tops away from the
tower suspended from rope and to put in a bunch of radials. I did this and
have never looked back. The angle of radiation changed and the effientcy
improved. The hardest part to change was burying all of the radials, but well
worth it when finished.
Jim N8JV
At 03:27 PM 10/18/02 -0400, you wrote:
>There is a thread similar to this going on the "top band" reflector. I had
>asked about verticals and several came back with comments about the K8UR
>array which K3LR used. By the way the antenna is laid out in detail in the
>December 1989 CQ. I am currently studying this antenna for use on one of my
>200 foot towers to see if it would be feasible for 160.
>Bill K4XS
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