[Towertalk] Moving To New QTH

Mel Martin (VE2DC) ve2dc@rac.ca
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 07:36:32 -0400

Chris says:
>There has been spotty evidence that even high tension transmission
>power lines have caused weird things in the animals that graze beheath

Numerous studies have been unable to correlate any problems with
reasonable proximity to power lines...

>We had a high power RF metal zone refiner, all people with heart 
>pacemakers and possibly with weak hearts (ie had had heart attacks)
told not to go near the refiner.

The part about pacemakers is correct... The part about "weak hearts" is

>Samuel Clements was noted as not sleeping 
>in any direction except N-S magnetically.

Wouldn't that be Samuel Clemens... aka Mark Twain... He also said,
"There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale
returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact."

>People are objecting to the cell relay stations on the top of building
>live in or work in.  Mind you a different frequency.

Cell phone exposure... Another area where no correlation has been

I suspect his exposure at this sight wouldn't be any worse than most
downtown locations in major cities where every high-rise is bristling
with antennas.
