[Towertalk] Removing Superficial Rust from Rohn Tower Sections

Robin Midgett robin.midgett@vanderbilt.edu
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:02:17 -0500

Use the google search engine; or any search engine for that matter. w w 

At 08:57 AM 10/19/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Search the archive for this list .. there was some discussion about one
>month ago .. and I believe, an address for a supplier.
>In a message dated 10/18/02 2:13:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>n8de@thepoint.net writes:
>    And don't forget POR-15 .. though expensive, it seems to be the best
>    solution..
>    POR = Paint Over Rust
>    Don
>Don - A couple of people have mentioned this product, but I'm not familiar 
>with it.  Do you know who makes it and where it is available?