[TowerTalk] C19XR interaction and tuning

Steve Jackson kz1x at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 7 15:35:02 EDT 2003


Your 15M VSWR problems on the C19 are likely due not
to the interaction of the other beam, but to the
arrangement of the sleeve-feed wire between the driven
elements on the C19.

I have the same antenna (part of a C36XR) and found
the same results at first, but other antennas within 8
feet made no difference.  It is possible to get a
near-perfect match across 21-21.4 MHz.

This is not an uncommon problem.

You need to experiment with these wires to get the
sleeve-feed correct.  It is not that hard but takes
time and also pretty much requires an antenna
analyzer.  I found a parallel arrangement of between 1
- 3 cm spacing worked great.  Do NOT twist the wires
as shown in some versions of the manual.

gl es 73

Steve KZ1X

Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2003 09:06:45 +0100
From: "Manuel Fernando" <ct1bxx at netvisao.pt>
To: "'Eric Rosenberg'" <wd3q at erols.com>,
   "'Force 12 Mailing List'" <Force12talk at qth.com>,
   "'Tower Talk Mailing List'"
<towertalk at contesting.com>
Subject: [TowerTalk] RE: [Force 12 Talk] WRC 2/2 Over
a C3SS/C4SS? 
Message-ID: <000101c2fb4a$4cb64300$f9d081d9 at manuel>
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Past month I bought two antennas from Force12 a C19XR
and Warc 2/2. The
Portuguese dealer told me that space between them 8'
will de enough, 
they work fine. With antennas Force send information
telling the best
space between them. When I saw that minimum was 10' I
was very 
because the information was not the same I get from
local dealer. I
mount them with a 10' space. - bad results !!

I have a CX19XR, above 10' I have mounted a Warc2/2. I
have bad SWR on
15 and 12 meters band. I contact Force and Mr. Nattan
told me to turn
one 90 degrees (not pointing same direction. I hove
not yet done this
change, perhaps near week. I have SWR in 15 meter
above 3!!! I am very
disappointed with this result because is if I know it
before Than I
would buy the Force XR5 (3 element antenna for each
band in same boom
10, 12,15,17,20). I have the antennas mounted in self
support tower at
18 meters above ground. I guess that if I mount my 40
meters dipole in
inverted V hanged in tower I think that 15 meters will
be even worst.
When I change the position of my antennas I will tell
you the result.

My regards from Portugal
Manuel Fernando

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