[TowerTalk] Yaesu G-800dxa external control speed pin

Michael Pfeuffer wq5c at texas.net
Mon Apr 14 10:06:55 EDT 2003

FWIW, I've always used the slowest speed.  I've just assumed that by 
generating less torque would keep the rotor & antenna systems happier over 
the long run.

--Mike, WQ5C

At 06:31 AM 4/14/03, Sylvan Katz wrote:
> > There is another pin - pin 3 - that controls the speed the rotor turns.  I
> > have that disconnected at present, and the rotor turns at the slowest ("oh
> > so slow") speed.
> > Does anyone know what to do with pin 3 to make the rotor turn at a faster
>Please pass this information on if you get it. I have a G-1000DXA with the
>same configuration. I emailed Yaesu a dozen times starting Nov 10, 2002.
>They have never answered my email.  I called the tech line at least four
>times. Each time they promised to get back to me with an answer. And they
>have never gotten back to me. This information appears to be a closely
>guarded secret.
>... Sylvan
>Sylvan Katz, VE5ZX
>Saskatoon, SK
>See: http://www.mscomputer.com  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless 
>Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with 
>any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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