[TowerTalk] How to File BPL Comments with the FCC

Richard M. Gillingham rmoodyg at bellsouth.net
Fri Aug 8 13:00:31 EDT 2003

Please note that this is the period for REPLIES to previous submissions.
You need to make you remarks refuting information provided by proponents of
this fiasco.  The period for simple arguments against BPL has long passed.
Hopefully ARRL will post a couple of the proponents submissions so we can
reference them...  Simply saying this is a bad idea at this point won't

Gil, W1RG

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <w4zv at contesting.com>
To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>; <towertalk at contesting.com>;
<dx at mailman.qth.net>; <cdxa at mailman.qth.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] How to File BPL Comments with the FCC

> At 11:16 AM 8/7/03 -0700, WY6K wrote:
> >How do we make comments to the FCC?   Email or written?  Addressee and
> >address?
>          Several suggested I summarize how to do this:
> 1.  Go to http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/prod/ecfs/upload_v2.cgi
> 2.  Enter only 03-104 in Box 1 (Proceeding).
> 3.  Complete all required boxes (2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12)
> 4.  Attach your file in .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc in the first large
> box and click "Sent Attached File to FCC".
> OR...and much easier for shorter comments,
> 5.  Type your comments directly into the bottom large box,
> keeping <70 characters per line, and click "Send Brief
> Comments to FCC".
> After 4. or 5., another screen should appear where you need to
> click "Finish Transaction and Receive Confirmation".  If you
> did everything correctly, you should then receive a confirmation
> number on the next screen.  If you don't see the confirmation
> number, your comments were not submitted correctly.
>          Your comments will likely not appear until the next
> business day since it takes them awhile to process everything.
> Please DO comment before the August 20 window closes!  This
> could be the most important thing you will ever do to insure we
> do not allow the FCC fill our bands with interference.  Let's prevent
> another Pandora's Box like the FCC gave us with Citizens Band!
>                                  73,  Bill  W4ZV
> P.S.  Much more info is available at ARRL's webpage:
> http://www.arrl.org/tis/info/HTML/plc/ including how to file.
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