[TowerTalk] TowerTalk] Re: An Enlightning Experience

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Tue Aug 26 19:34:44 EDT 2003

As one of the higher towered stations in Florida I can say can say I lots of 
experience with lightning.  I have slowly battled uphill against mother nature 
for 25 years in the lightning capital of the US.  I have actually made it 
through most of my first summer in some time without any nmajor damage from 

The two most important things to do.  Disconnect everything from the bulkhead 
and unplug the cable as well all AC plugs in the shack.

Second, invest in the Polyphaser stuff and put it on a good bulkhead which 
has a good ground.  I believe this is the best thing I have done in the battle 
against Thor. 

The towers have been hit three times in the last five weeks...the usual 
flash, pop and crack instantaneously...no damage except for the computer cable 
router which the kids forgot to disconnect after they got off the computer.  As 
any station with big towers in Florida will tell you....a really easy lightning 
summer, even with a much higher amount of storms this year.

Bill K4XS

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