[TowerTalk] TA-33m

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Thu Dec 11 12:51:56 EST 2003

In a message dated 12/11/03 9:08:55 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
domino at worldlynx.net writes:

> The Mosley is ok but they have come along way in antenna design since then. 
> My choice would be a new Force 12 C3.  Very compact and full size elements 
> all bands.  You'll here about how well built the Mosley's are but the Force 
> 12 antennas will out perform them every time.

    If you want to see actual on-the-air comparisons of some tribanders 
(including the TA-33 and C-3), read our tribander comparison report. Over a dozen 
tested. Available from  <A HREF="http://www.championradio.com">

    IMO a hundred bucks for a TA-33 in not perfect shape is WAY too much. 
OTOH if you've got lots of time to refurbish it and you can get it for, say, 
fifty bucks - go for it. It'll get you started and you can always move up to 
something else in the future. 

Steve     K7LXC
Champion Radio Products

Professional tower services for commercial and amateur 

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