[TowerTalk] F12 customer service

David Greer davidgreer73 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 11 09:59:19 EST 2003

I've never owned a Force 12 beam but they seem to
perform well on the air. I tried to be an owner but
thanks to F12 it didn't work out.

Four years ago, I placed an order for  a C3SS yagi but
the owner asked if I was attending Dayton  -- about 3
weeks away at that time. I said yes and he said they
would deliver it to me there and save me shipping.
That sounded fine but when I went to their booth to
pick it up, the owner acted sheepish and said it was
still on the truck. If I'd come back in 2 hours, they
would have it for me. I did but they didn't. It wasn't
on the truck, he said. But he promised they would ship
me one in 10 days or less.

Ten days turned into more than six weeks -- a period
full of evasive answers to my questions.  Finally, I
told them they had been deceptive in their dealings
with me and I didn't appreciate it. I never used foul
or harsh language in my e-mails but I made it clear I
didn't like the way they conducted their business. The
next thing I knew I got an e-mail from an associate at
the company telling me they had canceled my order. 

Since I had never once mentioned canceling the order,
I was surprised at their action but figured it was
probably for the best. Since then I have owned
TennaDyne and SteppIR antennas and their customer
service has been excellent. 

Go figure.

Dave, N4KZ

David Greer

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