[TowerTalk] stranded copperweld wire - reports please

Joe Giacobello k2xx at swva.net
Sun Dec 21 10:18:06 EST 2003

Con, I have used the Wireman's 12 gauge Silky wire for a six band quad 
and a 40M EDZ.  The stuff is tough and relatively flexible.  The Wiremen 
got into trouble with his original Silky line because it was reported to 
weather very poorly.  After three years in a very windy, four season 
environment, the elements on my quad were still in excellent condition.  
I can recommend without hesitation.

73, Joe

corneliuspaul at gmx.net wrote:

>Ladies and Gents,
>whoever built quads or other wire antenna arrays before knows about
>the need for good quality wires for this kind of antennas.
>The primary concerns are that the wire does not stretch nor break.
>I have been using AWG 18 solid Copperweld wire (with a black enamel)
>for a long time and am quite satisfied with it. 
>The only problem is, its a bit difficult to use (springy behaviour).
>I just learned that The Wireman (www.thewireman.com) and also 
>DavisRF sell several types of stranded copperweld wires, which sound
>very interesting.
>I am especially interested in the Wireman's "CQ 532" wire:
>AWG 18 multistrand Copperweld, 19 strands, with PE jacket insulation.
>Anybody used it before and would like to comment, please drop me 
>a note.
>Con DF4SA
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