[TowerTalk] FAA form 7560-1 question

D. Douglas Rehman rehman at surveil.com
Thu Jun 26 22:41:40 EDT 2003

You might want to call the regional office for your area and discuss it with
them. I am going through the process with the Atlanta office and found them
to be easy to work with (so far anyway...). 

I have a 3500' grass strip "airport" runway 900' due south of my 9 acres.
(There are only about a half dozen take-offs/landings per week. I keep
hoping that they will sell the land to a developer.) There is a considerable
amount of mature pine and oak (60'-70') between the runway and me. I
attached five or six 8.5" x 11" photos of the trees (seen from the proposed
tower site, seen from the end of the runway, etc.) and a satellite map that
shows my property and the runway.

I asked for 70', unlit/unmarked; we'll see what they approve... (It has only
been about 30 days.)

For the frequencies to be used, I initially wrote something to the effect of
all amateur radio bands. They faxed me a request for more detail, so I made
a table of all of the amateur bands from 1.8 MHz to 1240 MHz, showing an ERP
based upon maximum legal power and reasonable antenna gain. I guess that
must have satisfied them, as I haven't gotten another request for more


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