[TowerTalk] Combining ant elevation pattern data with propaga tion predictionstoproduce a contest bandplan

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Wed May 21 09:01:18 EDT 2003

Jim, I don't think you stated if you are SO, SOA, S2R, MS, M2, MM or what-?

The logic that goes into band changing is based highly on your competitive
category.  Since I operate primarily "assisted," whether single or multi, I
let the packet cluster spots dictate the band unless I'm at a rate of
120/hour or higher, in which case I generally stay where I am until that
rate drops.


"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of
enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jim Smith [SMTP:jimsmith at shaw.ca]
> Sent:	Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:26 AM
> To:	towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject:	[TowerTalk] Combining ant elevation pattern data with
> propagation predictionstoproduce a contest bandplan
> I've been having a lot of fun trying to come up with a way of deciding 
> what band I should be on at what time in a contest.  I'm sure many far 
> more successful contesters than I do it from experience and intuition. 
>  Not having a strong feminine side (anal, she called me) I try to use 
> logic and science as much as I can.
> If you just want to know what my question is, skip to the end of all 
> this stuff.
> Here's where I'm at.  
> I can run propagation predictions for various paths using W6ELProp.
> I can suck all the info into an Access database I have built.
> I can calculate a Figure Of Merit for each path on each band at each 
> time (half hourly intervals) based on predicted SNR and path 
> availability.  Whether the Figure Of Merit is realistic or not is a 
> separate question.  I think it is useable for comparison purposes.
> I can adjust the FOM to account for differing Rx bandwidths and, hence, 
> SNR for ssb and cw (or anything else).
> I can print a report sorted by band and then by time (ascending order) 
> showing, for each time, the paths whose Figure Of Merit exceeds some 
> chosen value (to reduce clutter), in descending order of FOM.
> I can assign a band, mode and antenna to each time (half hourly 
> intervals) and print a report which shows me for each half hour what 
> band I should be on, which antenna I should be using and which paths (in 
> descending order) are most likely to yield Qs.
> W6ELProp assumes 100W into a dipole facing in the optimum direction in 
> free space at each end.
> I now find myself about to add the ability to adjust the path SNR 
> according to output power and the, previously input, elevation 
> pattern/gain/loss of the assigned antenna.
> It occurred to me that, before I do this, maybe someone else has already 
> done the work, hence the following question.
> Is there an affordable program which will combine propagation 
> predictions and antenna characteristics and tell me, for any path of my 
> choice on any HF band, the likelihood of making Qs on that path? 
>  Affordable?  $100    Not Affordable?  $500
> Please don't ask me how I'm doing this.  This is a work in progress and 
> time spent answering how-to questions takes away from the time available 
> to do the work.  Hope I said this in an acceptable manner.
> 73 de Jim Smith    VE7FO
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