[TowerTalk] Minimum tower foundation recomendations.

Bill Putney billp at dune.wwpc.com
Wed Nov 26 10:31:19 EST 2003

I have a used aluminum 40' self supporting tower that I want to use to support
one end of a 75M full wave loop (SuperLoop 80). The tower is ~24" on a side at
 the base tapered up over 4 sections to ~12". I have no idea who the
manufacturer of the tower was.

The soil is sandstone about 6" under the soil surface. There is no chance of
any ice ever being on the tower in this area and the winds are <90 MPH always.
I figure the most load that's ever going to be placed on the tower is me
climbing it to attach the end of the loop.

Anyone have any ideas about how big the hole should be for the foundation? I
kind of figured that in "normal soil" I should have a foundation 1/5th of the
tower height 150% of the diameter of the base section. But I don't know if I
really need that much foundation in rock. I'm going to have to jack hammer the
hole out so every inch counts.

Thanks, Bill

#  Bill Putney - WB6RFW  | Ryan    | My repeater:443.400 Mhz-100 Hz #
#  WWPC                  | Navion  | It's not open, it's not closed,#
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#  Oakland, CA 94619     +---------+ membership (which is free...). #
#  billp at wwpc.com - (510)531-2412  | Go figure...                   #

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