[TowerTalk] Info for stripping enameled wire

Bill VanAlstyne w5wvo at cybermesa.net
Thu Apr 8 15:31:25 EDT 2004

Tower (K8RI) wrote:
> I've been following this thread and my only question is, Why?

I have no idea. I always just used a little piece of emery paper. But it was
kind of a fun thread anyways.   :-)
Bill / W5WVO

> Other than stripping the ends for soldering and a little heat does
> that
> nicely, what reason would there be for going to the trouble of
> stripping off
> the enamel?
> Roger Halstead (K8RI, EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
> N833R, World's Oldest Debonair (S# CD-2)
> www.rogerhalstead.com
>> Another product to remove enamel from wire is Eccostrip made by
>> Emerson
> and Cummings. It  also easily removes the Formvar coating used on some
> enameled wire and Formvar has to be one of the most hateful films to
> remove.
>> It should be pointed out this stuff will even strip the gears out
>> of the mother-in-law so it is not the sort of thing to leave
>> around were you have kids.
>> If you spill it on something, kiss the finish goodbye as you can't
>> wipe it off fast enough to keep it from cutting through the paint or
>> other protective finishes. Comes in a glass bottle.
>> Chuck WD4HXG
>>> From: Tom Mattus <wa9wsj at yahoo.com>
>>> Date: 2004/04/07 Wed AM 08:48:07 CDT
>>> To: Towertalk at contesting.com
>>> Subject: [TowerTalk] Info for stripping enameled wire
>>> Gents,
>>> I ran across this company that makes equipment for
>>> stripping enameled wire. Since a solution for this was
>>> asked about a few times before, I thought it might
>>> come in handy to pass this info along.
>>> The site is www.eraser.com
>>> It appears their products are for production and no
>>> price is given, hmmmm!
>>> I have no affiliation with these guys, just passing
>>> helpfull info.
>>> Tom
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