April 2004 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Apr 1 14:16:06 EST 2004
Ending: Fri Apr 30 23:39:02 EST 2004
Messages: 746
- [TowerTalk] Rise in steel prices?
UpTheTower at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Comtek stuff
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] Dayton Contest Dinner 2004 Reminder
Tim Duffy K3LR
- [TowerTalk] [antenneX] antenneX New Issue - April 2004 - Seven Years!
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] mosley pro-67-c
dan r goddard
- [TowerTalk] titanex vd8100
Bob Jaeger
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Steppir and UV
- [TowerTalk] Fw: Steppir and UV
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] webcam atop the tower
Michael Hatzakis
- [TowerTalk] Crazy Camera Idea
Michael Hatzakis
- [TowerTalk] Crazy Camera Idea
Michael Hatzakis
- [TowerTalk] UV protection
- [TowerTalk] One Man Tower
- [TowerTalk] coating the SteppIR
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] Heights Screw Drive and tower section needed
Craig Anderson
- [TowerTalk] Tension on tramline
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] Auto antenna tuner
Dale Martin
- [TowerTalk] tension on tramline
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] Tension on tramline
Howard Klein
- [TowerTalk] Need heat treated bolts
Bill Turner
- [TowerTalk] Tower links fixed on web page
Tower (K8RI)
- [TowerTalk] W4AN Silent Key
Tom Rauch
- [TowerTalk] Regrets
Tony King
- [TowerTalk] Regrets
Tony King - W4ZT
- [BULK] - [TowerTalk] W4AN Silent Key
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Re: TowerTalk Digest, Vol 16, Issue 9
K8LEEWMM at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] May I suggest . . .
Jim Idelson
- [TowerTalk] W4AN Silent Key
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] W3WV pile-on
john.brewer at us.schneider-electric.com
- [TowerTalk] w4an
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] political bashing
corneliuspaul at gmx.net
- [TowerTalk] W4AN
Shannon Boal
- [TowerTalk] Please unsubscribe me!
Conrad Nasatka
- [TowerTalk] Remote antenna switch question
- [TowerTalk] Lightweight .. Light Duty Towers
- [TowerTalk] Please unsubscribe me!
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Lightweight .. Light Duty Towers
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] TV Xmtr info
- [TowerTalk] Remembering my friend Bill Fisher, W4AN
William H. Hein
- [TowerTalk] Bill W4AN
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] Grounding near patio
Craig Sande
- [TowerTalk] 55 foot Rohn 25G proposed tower, source for HD house
Bob A. Booey
- [TowerTalk] 55 foot Rohn 25G proposed tower, source for HD
Jim Idelson
- [TowerTalk] Info for stripping enameled wire
Tom Mattus
- [TowerTalk] Subscribing to ham-law
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] 500' #14 solid THHN, $15 @ Lowe's
David Hachadorian
- [TowerTalk] Info for stripping enameled wire
wcmoore at verizon.net
- [TowerTalk] house bracketing 25G
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] Info for stripping enameled wire
wcmoore at verizon.net
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 45G Base Section
John Kiesel
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25G mounting bracket
- [TowerTalk] 500' #14 solid THHN, $15 @ Lowe's
arthurkuhns at charter.net
- [TowerTalk] 55 foot Rohn 25G proposed tower, source for HD
Bill Coleman
- [TowerTalk] 500' #14 solid THHN, $15 @ Lowe's
Bill Coleman
- [TowerTalk] 55 foot Rohn 25G proposed tower, source for HD house
Bill Coleman
- [TowerTalk] 55 foot Rohn 25G proposed tower, source for HD house
Bill Coleman
- [TowerTalk] Re: [Antennas] Antenna Tuner
- [Towertalk] Double Delta Loop?
Bill Wall
- [TowerTalk] Antenna end cap?
- [TowerTalk]
RE: 55 foot Rohn 25G proposed tower, source for HD housebracket?
Steve Gehring
- [TowerTalk] antenna impedence and ground impedence??
Dan Sawyer
- [TowerTalk] Orion rotator stuck. Help please.
Martin Sole
- [TowerTalk] UBC On-Line?
Bob Farkaly
- [TowerTalk] UBC On-Line?
hdmc38 at bellsouth.net
- [TowerTalk] Question on concrete pour for self-supporting
Bill Coleman
- [TowerTalk] using my riding mower to run radials
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] lubrication
Eric Scace K3NA
- [TowerTalk] Lubrication
Erik Jakobsen
- [TowerTalk] AEA VIA or CIA?
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Using riding mower to run radials (2nd Try)
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] Fwd: FS: Rohn 25G Foldover Tower & M2 2m18XXX
Robin E. Midgett
- [TowerTalk] Using riding mower to run radials (2nd Try)
Dubovsky, George
- [TowerTalk] AB-105 tower and antennas for sale
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Using riding mower to run radials (2nd Try)
mahlonhaunschild at cox.net
- [TowerTalk] WTB HBU or HBUTVRO Bracket(s)
rentwist at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] Glen Martin Tower
- [TowerTalk] ground system plows
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk]
Any repair guys for 4-1000 2x 4-1000 and 3-1000 amps in Florida
- [TowerTalk]
Re: [CQ-Contest] SteppIR 4 Element Yagi - Analysis and Thoughts
- [TowerTalk] sub-soilers
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Glen Martin Tower
RWMaylott at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tower Painting
Bill Austin
- [TowerTalk] Glen MArtin Tower
Folk, Jeff
- [TowerTalk] SteppIR 4 Element Yagi - Analysis and Thoughts
Dan Levin
- [TowerTalk] Staples for radials
- [TowerTalk] WTS:anyone need an alrm bell for their motorized tower?
- [TowerTalk] Staples for Radials
ValErwin at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] FW: Raising verticals
- [TowerTalk] antenna parts resources
Todd E. Wiggins
- [TowerTalk] Discovered problem with GM tower
- [TowerTalk] Tower Painting
kk9a at arrl.net
- [TowerTalk] the value (or not) of modeling
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk]
Re: [CQ-Contest] SteppIR 4 Element Yagi - Analysis and Thoughts
- [TowerTalk] Modeling
Tom Martin
- [TowerTalk] SteppIR 4 Element Yagi - Analysis and Thoughts
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] RE: the value (or not) of modeling
Dudley Chapman
- [TowerTalk] (no subject)
John Barry EI8IR
- [TowerTalk] GM Tower
- [TowerTalk] Underground PVC Tubing?
Rich Hallman - N7TR
- [TowerTalk] Underground PVC Tubing?
Jay Urish
- [TowerTalk] GM Tower
- [TowerTalk] Coax & Control Wires ~ Crankup Tower
Gene Bigham
- [TowerTalk] 2 inch pipe
Bill Ogden
- [TowerTalk] Underground PVC Tubing?
kb9cry at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] GM Tower
- [TowerTalk] Guy Wire insulators
- [TowerTalk] TX-455 Engineering Drawings
Jim Venneman
- [TowerTalk] underground pvc
Michael J. Castellano
- [TowerTalk] 40m beam
Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] 40m beam
Mike Fatchett
- [TowerTalk] need company to build 25G tower for us in Miami area...
Chris Hale
- [TowerTalk] underground pvc
KI9A at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] need company to build 25G tower for us in Miami
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] HF beam antenna decision
Bill VanAlstyne
- [TowerTalk] HF beam antenna decision
Carl Smidt
- [TowerTalk] 40 beam
Tom Martin
- [TowerTalk] 30m beam
Roger Huntley
- [TowerTalk] Polygon Rod
Kevin Adam
- [TowerTalk] Windmill Towers
BobK8IA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] GM Tower
- [TowerTalk] Windmill Towers
n4gi at tampabay.rr.com
- [TowerTalk] Windmill Towers
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] 30m beam
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Dayton Contest Dinner 2004 Program Update
Tim Duffy K3LR
- [TowerTalk] PR25 G Needed
George Yazz
- [TowerTalk] Town Code Definition Conundrum
Mark S. Adams, P.E.
- [TowerTalk] Town Code Definition Conundrum
k1ir at designet.com
- [TowerTalk] Swinging Gate Tower Side Mount
John Kiesel
- [TowerTalk] Tower Stacking - Trylon ST
Bill Austin
- [TowerTalk] Re: [Amps] Relays for RF switching
Pete Smith
- [TowerTalk] Re: 40 Meter Beam
Michael Del Pozzo
- [TowerTalk] Swinging Gate Tower Side Mount
W0UN -- John Brosnahan
- [TowerTalk] Swinging Gate Tower Side Mount
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Town Code Definition Conundrum
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tower Stacking - Trylon ST
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tower Stacking - Trylon ST #2
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Spring cleaning sale
K5RC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Stacking Trylon Sections
Byron Tatum
- [TowerTalk] WTB HBU or HBUTVRO Bracket(s)
hdmc38 at bellsouth.net
- [TowerTalk] FW: windmill towers (additional info)
Warren Munro
- [TowerTalk] what is 'No Impact Towers'?
- [TowerTalk] what is 'No Impact Towers'?
- [TowerTalk] Re: Town Code Definition Conundrum
Doug Grant
- [TowerTalk] Re: No Impact Towers
Tobe Wheale
- [TowerTalk] Guy Brackets
Gregory O'Neal
- [TowerTalk] Windmill towers
- [TowerTalk] Town Code Definition Conundrum
Todd Coulter
- [TowerTalk] Re: windmill tower
Tim Makins, EI8IC
- [TowerTalk] Re: [Amps] Relays for RF switching
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] WTB: GA25GD guy bracket
Bob A. Booey
- [TowerTalk] Convert a Ham IV to a T2X?
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] Need some
Kirk Harding
- [TowerTalk] Need some
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Rohn 25 guy brackets
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Town Code Conundrum THANKS!
Mark S. Adams, P.E.
- [TowerTalk] unscribe
tbradley at tds.net
- [TowerTalk] OT Tower sites in Seattle area
Marlon Schafer (509-982-2181)
- [TowerTalk] RE: Poly Rod
Kevin Adam
- [TowerTalk] Windmill Towers
DF3KV at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] mast
Dennis Watkins
- [TowerTalk] Forec 12 Sigma 80
- [TowerTalk] mast II
Dennis Watkins
- [TowerTalk] Stainless Steel Hardware
Richard Hassell-Bennett
- [TowerTalk] mast ll
Dennis Watkins
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40
J. Keller
- [TowerTalk] Mast ll
Dennis Watkins
- [TowerTalk] Erections (Tower)
K8fu at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Polygon Rod for Guys
Kevin Adam
- [TowerTalk] re: 75 mtr ant.
Greenacres113 at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft A4 - 40 Meter Add-On
N4OX at webtv.net
- [TowerTalk] 40 mtr kit
K8fu at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40M
J. Keller
- [TowerTalk] Erections (Tower)
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Erections (Tower)
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40M
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Re: TowerTalk Digest, Vol 16, Issue 54
Jim OConnell
- [TowerTalk] Flexable Type Coax for a Telescoping Tower
Dave Anderson, K4SV
- [TowerTalk] Gladiator 80M Vertical on Ebay
- [TowerTalk] Short Dipole for 40
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Tri-Ex HZ-588N (whats it worth ?)
Dan Bookwalter
- [TowerTalk] copper ground strap
David Klein
- [TowerTalk] what is 'No Impact Towers'?
K4tmc at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Wanted: Telrex or M2 antennas traded for Bertha Plans
Scott Johns
- [TowerTalk] The best UV resistant 8 conductor rotor cable?
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] Yaesu rotors
Bill VanAlstyne
- [TowerTalk] HB35C.
Erik Jakobsen
- [TowerTalk] KT-34XA Dimensions
Steve London
- [TowerTalk] The best UV resistant 8 conductor rotor cable?
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] SteppIR a bargain?
Mel Martin
- [TowerTalk] Trams and trolleys
K4FJ at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Using Belden 9913 on a crankup tower?
coulter at bellsouth.net
- [TowerTalk] Create RC5B-3 repair?
Scott R.
- [TowerTalk] Brainstorming: A homebrew Steppir like beam....
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] Brainstorming: A homebrew Steppir like beam....
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] New PROSISTEL PST_61 "Big Boy" Rotator on Ebay
- [TowerTalk] 2nd Story Station Installation
Wm. Freddy Curtis
- [TowerTalk] 2nd Story Station Installation
Wm. Freddy Curtis
- [TowerTalk]
Re: [Force 12 Talk]LMR 400 connectors was ideas needed, please
Jim Smith
- [TowerTalk] (no subject)
Larry Stowell
- [TowerTalk] Glen Martin Roof Tower...
Robert Shauger
- [TowerTalk] 2nd Story Station Installation
Wm. Freddy Curtis
- [TowerTalk] Antenna recommendations appreciated
Lou Laderman
- [TowerTalk] YAESU G-1000
btakacs at nccw.net
- [TowerTalk] Telrex 10-15 Duo-bander
- [TowerTalk] Messages lost? April 22 to 24?
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] Brainstorming: A homebrew Steppir like beam....
Rob Frohne
- [TowerTalk] Brainstorming: A homebrew Steppir like beam....
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Brainstorming: A homebrew Steppir like beam....
BobK8IA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] non-level antenna
D. Rodman, MD
- [TowerTalk] A-3 trap covers
Gregg Seidl
- [TowerTalk] BPL article.... amazing....!!!
- [TowerTalk] Re: Brainstorming - Homebrew StepIR
Dudley Chapman
- [TowerTalk] BPL article.... amazing....!!!
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL article.... amazing....!!!
kb9cry at comcast.net
- [TowerTalk] BPL article.... amazing....!!!
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] BPL article
- [TowerTalk] KT-34XA Dimensions
Steve London
- [TowerTalk] BeCu/SteppIR
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] Servicing a Create RC5B-3 rotor box
Scott R.
- [TowerTalk] BPL article.... amazing....!!!
wcmoore at verizon.net
- [TowerTalk] FCC's NPRM on BPL
k2qmf at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] FCC's NPRM on BPL
k2qmf at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL article.... amazing....!!!
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] Using Belden 9913 on a crankup?
coulter at bellsouth.net
- [TowerTalk] FCC's NPRM on BPL
K4IA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Off Topic Question - Repeater Operation in Germany
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
Chris Pedder
- [TowerTalk] FCC's NPRM on BPL
- [TowerTalk] RE: [CQ-Contest] FCC's NPRM on BPL
jukka.klemola at nokia.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
Eric Rosenberg
- [TowerTalk] More on President Bush's Speech
Eric Rosenberg
- [TowerTalk] RE: More on President Bush's Speech
Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
- [TowerTalk] More on President Bush's Speech
K4IA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Hygain Hytower 18HT
Aidehua at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Off Topic Question - Repeater Operation in Germany
Alan Beagley
- FW: [TowerTalk] KT-34XA Dimensions
Joe - KC2TN
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
k2qmf at juno.com
- [TowerTalk] Anchor Bolts
K8fu at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL, politics and Towertalk
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] Tower
mick at videoprints.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL & politics belong somewhere else
Jim Jarvis
- [TowerTalk] Top Ten Reasons
- [TowerTalk] foldover tower
SGTOKIE at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Top Ten Reasons
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] Using Belden 9913 on a crankup?
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] OT: Ham Law
Alan Beagley
- [TowerTalk] Re: Rules
- [TowerTalk] Ham law list
Bryan W5KFT
- [TowerTalk] OT: Ham Law
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Radial crossing feedline
Dan Bookwalter
K7LXC at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Re: [Antennas] Hygain Hytower 18HT
Tim Kass
- [TowerTalk] 9913; Rotor loops
Lou Laderman
- [TowerTalk] Re: FCC's NPRM on BPL
- [TowerTalk] BPL
George Lee
- [TowerTalk] NEW Cushcraft 40-2CD
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Re: [Antennas] Hygain Hytower 18HT
David W Sher
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] 9913; Rotor loops
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] A3 Traps
K8fu at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
ve4xt at mts.net
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
Jim Brown
- [TowerTalk] Coax specifications, etc.
Jim Lux
- [TowerTalk] 9913; Rotor loops
lladerman at earthlink.net
- [TowerTalk] BPL
Craig Clark
- [TowerTalk] History Channel
- [TowerTalk] Co-ax, and didn't K7LXC say 'no more BPL?'
Kelly Taylor
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Kerry too!
K3BU at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
- [TowerTalk] Mystery Hy-Gain tribander
Scott R.
- [TowerTalk] Mystery Hy-Gain tribander
BobK8IA at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] History Channel
- [TowerTalk] 3el beam
hcawthra at sbcglobal.net
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
Eric Rosenberg
- [TowerTalk] Re: BPL: Presidential Backing
Ward Silver
- [TowerTalk] BPL is banned, give us a break
Mark Brown
- [TowerTalk] Sorry...
Ward Silver
- [TowerTalk] Tapering from 2" to 1 1/4"
Steve London
- [TowerTalk] Ground Rods
K8fu at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Mystery Hy-Gain tribander - did Wilson use Hy-Gain
Scott R.
- [TowerTalk] BPL: Presidential Backing
Eric Rosenberg
- [TowerTalk] Tower VS aeroplane suit dropped....
- [TowerTalk] 9913; Rotor loops
TexasRF at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Weatherproofing Connections
Mark .
- Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower VS aeroplane suit dropped....
Mel Martin
- [TowerTalk] Too much
Tom Miller
- [TowerTalk] Alternate method, PL-259 on RG-8-type coax
Bill VanAlstyne
- [BULK] - [TowerTalk] Alternate method, PL-259 on RG-8-type co ax
Steve Katz
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 vs N
Steve Katz
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 vs N
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Pro 67B For Sale
- [TowerTalk] Tower Insurance
- Fw: [TowerTalk] Tower Insurance
- [TowerTalk] Re: [Antennas] Hygain Hytower 18HT
Tim Kass
- [TowerTalk] insurance
Jim Jarvis
Ron K8FG
OM7ZZ, Jozef Urban
- [TowerTalk] Tower VS aeroplane suit dropped....
wcmoore at verizon.net
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 vs N
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] FW: PL-259 vs N
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] PL-259 vs N
Dino Darling
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259 vs N
Steve Katz
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259, good ones vs. bad ones
Steve Katz
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] PL-259, good ones vs. bad ones
Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft 40-2CD Dimensions
- [TowerTalk] Ground system
K8fu at aol.com
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] PL-259, good ones vs. bad ones
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] Disconnecting wire antenna and grounding at the tower
Alan Beagley
- [TowerTalk] The Trojan Horse (BPL)
Bill Fuqua
- [BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] The Trojan Horse (BPL)
Steve Katz
- [TowerTalk] FS: Rohn 45G Sleeved Top Section & Torque Arm & Rotor
Robin E. Midgett
- [TowerTalk] Ground Rods
K8fu at aol.com
- [TowerTalk] FS: M2 2M18XXX 2m Yagi
Robin E. Midgett
- [TowerTalk] 3000' feedline...can I make it work?
- [TowerTalk] Ground system
William Sheh
- [TowerTalk] Cushcraft 40-2CD Dimensions
David Hachadorian
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 23:39:02 EST 2004
Archived on: Wed May 5 15:10:12 EST 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).