[TowerTalk] HF beam antenna decision
Bill VanAlstyne
w5wvo at cybermesa.net
Fri Apr 16 11:43:35 EDT 2004
I actually started looking at that antenna (XR5) just subsequent to sending my
post. But the WARC band I'm really interested in is 17M, not so much 12M.
They're re-offering a "low-sunspots" antenna called the "DX'er" which is a
15-17-20M yagi with MUCH better performance on 17M than the C3, as well as
incrementally better performance on 20 and 15 (due to a 6-ft longer boom). I
would still like to have 10M capability for sporadic-E work through the coming
sunspot minimum, but I'm now thinking about maybe rebuilding my 6M yagi into a
6M-10M duo-bander. (It's on an 18-ft boom.) 12M I can live without.
So many possibilities! :-)
Bill / W5WVO
N2TK wrote:
> Bill, if you want to get on 12 and 17M on a regular basis, the XR5
> will work much better than the C3. Even though the C3 works on 12 and
> 17m, it has a fairly high swr on those 2 bands. Most likely you will
> need a tuner with the C3 on 12 and 17 unless you use an amp to tune
> it. I like Buryflex and use it just about everywhere here. But 9913F
> should work fine. It seems to be much better than 9913inregards to
> rotor loops and moisture ingression.
> N2TK, Tony
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Tom Carrubba
> KA2D Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 10:58 AM
> To: Bill VanAlstyne; _Mailing List Tower-Talk
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] HF beam antenna decision
> Bill
> Consider the F12 XR-5, a C3 with WARC. I would reconsider
> the coax choice.
> For HF a good quality RG-213 or RF Davis buryflex would be a
> better choice.. my two cents.
> I use burylex.
> I have had mine up for two years and it works well for small
> antenna. No need for tuner..
> Good Luck
> Tom KA2D
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bill VanAlstyne" <w5wvo at cybermesa.net>
> To: "_Mailing List Tower-Talk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 10:06 AM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] HF beam antenna decision
> I'm making a stab at starting a new thread here, as
> decision-time is coming
> up for me. I'm erecting a TX-455 crank-up upon which I plan
> to mount an
> as-yet unpurchased HF beam, with my existing 5-el 6M yagi
> 8-10 ft above it.
> I haven't yet decided on the HF beam. My criteria are: 1)
> compact profile,
> in the ballpark of 18-22 ft boom; 2) reasonable performance
> on the 12- and
> 17-meter bands in addition to 10, 15, 20; 3) light-weight
> but mechanically
> robust (I live in a windy area). 4) I plan to feed it with
> 9913F coax (good
> stuff), and I have a good tuner, so extreme broad-bandedness
> isn't a top
> priority.
> I'm leaning toward a Force12 C3E, but am willing to consider
> any other
> alternatives recommended. What do y'all think?
> Bill / W5WVO
> Albuquerque, NM
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