[TowerTalk] Radial crossing feedline

Dan Bookwalter n8dcj at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 27 20:39:23 EDT 2004


my lone radial is just temporary.... i hop eto have
maybe 25-50 by theend of the summer... and for 40 & 80
Inv V's... all my ants are comprimises at this point,
heck, i cant even turn my beam... and somehow or
another i managed to get it fixed South West... lots
of DX activity that way... i am not up at the time to
work VK/ZL otherwise its perfect... most of my
operating takes place towards EU...

--- Robert Shohet <kq2m at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> You DEFINITELY want to use more than one radial for
> your
> inverted L.  I think you will see a meaningful
> improvement
> with 4 elevated radials, especially if they are 1/4
> wavelength long (on 160)
> and  a minimum of .05 wavelengths in height above
> ground (on 160).
> I definitely would advise you to keep the feedline
> perpendicular to the
> the radial with the feedline below the bottom of the
> L and the radials in
> the horizontal plane.
> I can tell you from my experience that 4 elevated
> radials will work much
> better than one and the feedline and the radial not
> "playing together".
> Someone more versed in theory can better explain
> why.
> 73 & gl!
> Bob KQ2M
> P.S. VERY funny about the Inv L being "off-topic"
> today.   :-)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dan Bookwalter" <n8dcj at yahoo.com>
> To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 7:44 PM
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Radial crossing feedline
> > Hello all
> >
> > i know this is a bit off topic today as its
> non-BPL
> > and non-political :-)
> >
> > anyway...
> >
> > my one and only radial on my 40-160M Inv L is
> laying
> > right on top of my feedline (perpendicular).... as
> i
> > was putting it back out i was wondering what this
> does
> > to the mix ???
> >
> > Dan N8DCJ

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