[TowerTalk] 30m beam

N9EN at VOYAGER.NET n9en at voyager.net
Mon Apr 19 09:59:52 EDT 2004

Hello all,

At the risk of sounding like I'm "tooting my own horn,"
my HOME-BUILT copy of a KLM 30M-3 works just
fine for me. It is easily my best-performing antenna that
I have -- to date, 312 countries worked and 308 con-
firmed, all using 100 watts out (approximately) to the
antenna at all times.

I built the antenna, using KLM 40 meter yagi parts and
bought the matching device from KLM right before they
went belly-up.

73 de Brad, N9EN @ Radio Free Roscoe (IL) [tm]...
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "GALE STEWARD" <k3nd at yahoo.com>
To: "towertalk reflector" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 30m beam

My 40-2CD works great on 17M but is a dog on 30M.
Needed to go with a seperate 30M antenna.

73, Stew K3ND

--- K7LXC at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 4/16/04 11:53:58 AM Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> snr.huntley at verizon.net writes:
> > Any suggestions out there for the 30 Mtr antenna?
>      I've heard on this reflector that the 402CD
> does pretty well on 30M. I
> haven't tried it but you might.
>      As far as a 30M antenna, the Force 12 2L is
> reasonably small and linear
> loaded and  works pretty well.
> Cheers,
> Steve     K7LXC
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