[TowerTalk] HF beam antenna decision

Bill VanAlstyne w5wvo at cybermesa.net
Fri Apr 16 10:06:40 EDT 2004

I'm making a stab at starting a new thread here, as decision-time is coming
up for me. I'm erecting a TX-455 crank-up upon which I plan to mount an
as-yet unpurchased HF beam, with my existing 5-el 6M yagi 8-10 ft above it.
I haven't yet decided on the HF beam. My criteria are:  1) compact profile,
in the ballpark of 18-22 ft boom;  2) reasonable performance on the 12- and
17-meter bands in addition to 10, 15, 20;  3)  light-weight but mechanically
robust (I live in a windy area).  4) I plan to feed it with 9913F coax (good
stuff), and I have a good tuner, so extreme broad-bandedness isn't a top

I'm leaning toward a Force12 C3E, but am willing to consider any other
alternatives recommended. What do y'all think?

Bill / W5WVO
Albuquerque, NM

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