[TowerTalk] Windmill towers

Red RedHaines at centurytel.net
Sat Apr 17 22:49:29 EDT 2004

Windmill Towers, The Gentle Art of Getting Them Up or Down, by Malcolm 
B. Magers, WØOJI, is in the Feb 1948 QST (price, 35 cents).

"A new tower, complete and ready to assemble, can be purchased new for 
less than $3.00 per foot."

"There are no guy wires, so the problem of the man on a city lot is 
instantly solved.  .............   A steel tower is sightly in 
appearance and will avoid "XYL trouble."  Last, but certainly not least, 
it is absolutely safe to climb and work on.  All towers have strong 
steel ladders to the top.  You can snap yourself on with a safety belt 
and end your worries."

The author presents his method of tilting the tower, of building a 
catwalk near the top, and of tilting a Yagi to adjust or service it.

Build Your Own Steel Tower by W. I. Sheehan, W1IXI, June 1953 QST (price 
40 cents) deals with the dearth of used windmill towers.  Build you 
own!  The author built a 30 foot tower for $42 and a 60 foot tower for 
about $140.  He tilted them up.

It was interesting to browse these older magazines.

73 de WOØW

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