[TowerTalk] Stainless Steel Hardware
Tower (K8RI)
tower at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Apr 20 14:35:35 EDT 2004
Don't forget to check your local businesses in the phone book.
We have a large industrial faster distributor here in Midland; "Prime
Fastener". They also have a large store in Alma.
I'm not pushing them,but rather the idea there are probably many of this
type of business in almost any major metropolitan area and their prices are
going to be a surprise for anyone who has been purchasing bolts and such at
hardware and discount stores.
I can buy an entire box of 100 SS bolts for about the same price as 6 or 8
when purchased at Low's, Builder's Square, or local hardware stores. Hence,
always running short, I now tend to buy them by the box and have accumulated
a pretty good stock of them.
The same is true for steel and aluminum stock. Although not cheap by any
means I've come up with some pretty good prices for aluminum from an outfit
in Saginaw (bout a 20 mile drive)
A while back I needed some larger SS bolts. As I recall they were 1/2" NC.
and about 2" long. I picked them up (not a whole box this time) for about
20% to 25% of the price at the so called discount store. That can add up to
a huge savings in a hurry when looking at several hundred bolts in a
project. That is $40 worth of bolts for about $10 as a comparison. OTOH you
could say the one store is getting $40 for $10 worth of bolts. <:-))
When I need steel for a project there are three places locally. One has very
good prices and if the pieces needed are too big for me to easily transport
home, the guy drops them off on his way home. (hasn't charged me a cent for
delivery yet)
Again most larger towns should have such outlets. Midland is only about
75,000 in population.
I think many times we spend a lot of time searching the net
Roger Halstead (K8RI, EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R, World's Oldest Debonair (S# CD-2)
> Here is an interesting website for those looking for Stainless Steel
> hardware.
> www.jschmidtstainless.com/products.htm
> De Richard K0XG
> Richard Hassell-Bennett
> hasben at ix.netcom.com
> www.K0XG.com
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