[TowerTalk] Cadwelding Copper Flashing (?)

Wilson Lui wilsonlui at atitec.com
Sun Aug 22 20:04:42 EDT 2004

Flashing is too thin to weld with exothermic welding (cadweld). Recommend
using sliver brazing or go with a thicker material.


The steel inside the ground rod will almost be guaranteed to corrode when
moisture comes between the copper and steel. Galvanic corrosion will
naturally occur.


How wide and thin is the copper strip? We can custom make exothermic welding
molds to weld the strip to the ground rod as long as the strip is of enough



Wilson Lui


ATI Tectoniks

Tel: +1(310) 257-1616

     +1(877) EXOWELD

Fax: +1(310) 257-1170

wilsonlui at atitec.com




-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jason Dugas
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2004 2:41 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] Cadwelding Copper Flashing (?)


I have searched and searched throughout the archives of TowerTalk and have

not been able to ascertain the definitive (or even a good idea) method for

cadwelding copper flashing to copper-clad rods.  Is this possible?  Has

anyone done it?  I did see one email that referred to Cadweld's commercial

molds for doing this but am not sure which product the author was referring



About to put down a ground system for my tower using copper flashing and

would like to hear the best method for making the bond from the flashing to

the rods.


Thanks in advance,






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