[TowerTalk] free verticals

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at comcast.net
Sun Dec 19 17:17:33 EST 2004

Well, for the most part, you get what you pay for.

Not sure about the butternut base, but I've found that 
18AVT bases make excellent mounts for 40m GP's.  Have had 
several of them 60' up in trees, with drooping radials.  

An old radshack 50' pushup mast, with 10' of tv mast on top...
loosely tied to the tree trunk at a couple of places. 
It wiggles around  a bit, but it stays up when the
wind blows.  

Course, there IS the problem of HV points arcing to 
branches, and lighting the insulation and leaves on fire. 
But that's another matter for neighbor amusement.  

Happy Holidays, all!

jimjarvis at ieee.org 

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