[TowerTalk] RE: One Man Tower-LRFD

kr7x at comcast.net kr7x at comcast.net
Thu Feb 19 20:09:45 EST 2004


No testimonial, but the statement that the antenna area is irrelevant and does not matter will not cut much slack with the local permiting officials, at least in my experience.

This operating philsophy means that the owner will monitor the wind conditions at the tower location continuously and lower the antenna at some predetermined velocity that is just below the allowable threshold. I have yet to convince any permit official that this will happen 100% of the time. They will permit for design velocity at so many sf allowable. If you don't need a permit then all this is moot.

Lonberg Design Group, Ltd.

Hank Lonberg, P.E.,S.E. / KR7X
> No, it's a typo. I received the following from Steve Higbee KD6JDM of 
> One Man Tower USA, the authorized US source:
> "Please note:  the website is incorrect on the antenna area rating.  Should
> be 5.7 SF.  Antenna area actually is irrelevant in the case of a One-Man
> Tower, as you may stand on solid ground and quickly and easily lower a very
> large array, even during a strong wind storm.  Our towers are unique in that
> respect." 
> I don't think he really meant "irrelevant" or "very large" either. These 
> intriguing towers are not the easiest to evaluate. Any testimonials out 
> there?
> /Rick N6XI
> Pete Smith wrote:
> > I guess I inferred from the area number used and the resulting wind 
> > speeds, that if you worked the problem backwards he's saying that 19 
> > square feet are good to at least 100 mph (103 is the lowest speed 
> > given in the table).  Is this correct?
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