[TowerTalk] Strengthening Insulated Push-up Pole Base

Paul Playford w8aef at worldnet.att.net
Fri Jan 2 23:14:43 EST 2004

I found that 3" thin wall irrigation pipe will slip over 3" PVC which in
turn will slip over 3" chain link fence end posts (mine measures 1/4" wall,
2 3/4" od).  I plugged the inside of one end of an 18" length of 3" PVC and
put a coupling sleeve on the other end.  I use the end posts for the
support, slip the PVC over the end post and then slide the irrigation pipe
over the PVC.

Take a ruler to your local Home Depot and do some measuring.  You may be
able to install a piece of end post in the concrete and mount everything on

I didn't use concrete - I drove a stake through a 12" square piece of sheet
metal and into the ground, leaving a couple of inches of the stake
protruding up.  I use this pin as a swivel so I can raise and lower my guyed
80m 4sq elements.  No problem with arcing through the PVC and I do run full

de Paul, W8AEF


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Colburn" <kd4e at arrl.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 9:52 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Strengthening Insulated Push-up Pole Base

> I am thinking of putting up one or two 60' push-up poles isolated
> from ground as part of an experimental 40/60/80/160M antenna system.
> The bottom section of the push-up pole is 3".
> If I set a 3" ID section of thick-wall PVC inside an 8" section
> and set them in concrete would y'all recommend concrete, sand,
> or ??? in between the sections of PVC?
> I am wondering how the PVC may react to different substances,
> what would provide the best strength, if I want flexiblity
> between the sections, and what might enhance the insulation
> value of the PVC.
> Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
> -- 
> "Wars and rumors of wars, disasters, and social decay,
> yet undaunted for love and peace we pray."  dmc
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