[TowerTalk] Re: USCG Tower Disapproved

Didier Juges didier at cox.net
Fri Mar 5 16:12:52 EST 2004

I think the Coast Guards need to buy a bunch of these little stickers you
can put on the battery case of your cell phone to increase the range by
1000%, and stick them along their 500 feet tower. That will "work really
good" and everybody will be happy :-)

Didier KO4BB

At 12:07 PM 3/4/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>Aw, who needs towers.  Can't we just rewrite the laws of physics or
>something.  C'mon, aesthetics is FAR more important than Search & Rescue,
>Last time I tried to get a tower permit, one of the city planners (after
>not a chance) suggested that I just put a wire around the eaves of my house.
>He claimed it works really good.  Gee, can't the Coast Guard just use a wet
>noodle hanging off a tree someplace?

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