[TowerTalk] Vertcal Dipole

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sun Oct 17 16:10:30 EDT 2004

K0PYK wrote:
 >Has any made a vertical dipole (lets say for 20
meters) where it is end fed with coax.

         Yes but why not use a simple LC matching circuit?
The following circuits work best with a single 1/4 wl
radial counterpoise in addition to the 1/2 wl radiator:


I built the latter faster than it took to read all
the posts about this!

         I've also tried using a Z-match tuner (Emtech ZM-2)
to directly feed a 1/2 wl radiator (no radial) which
worked fine.  However, I wanted to eliminate any tuner
for ultra-lightweight backpack operations.

         Par Electronics offers the following series of
End-Fed 1/2 wave antennas which require NO radial
and NO tuner.  I've been using the EF-20/40 which
works very well with direct feed from my QRP rig.
With the EF-20/40 plus KD1JV's AT Sprint 2, I have a
complete 20/40 station including transceiver, battery,
earphones, paddle and antenna (no tuner needed) that
weighs ~1 lb total.


                                         73,  Bill  W4ZV

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