[TowerTalk] Take off angles, VOACAP, etc

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Sun Oct 17 16:31:41 EDT 2004

K2AV wrote:
 >That's when you start to understand how higher angles are going to help 
you work the next layer of signals in a contest.

         High angles predominate in the latter 2/3's of
most openings I've seen on 10 meters.  The lower
angles of my 3-stack typically becomes too low after
the band fully opens when the lower 2 take over.
After about 17-18z, the lower antenna alone takes

http://users.vnet.net/btippett/terrain_&_toa's.htm (2nd graph)

                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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