[TowerTalk] Tower Cam 2.4Gig and noise (was Tower Cam)

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Sat Apr 9 16:24:40 EDT 2005

This sounds more promising, 20:1 mechanical zoom, re. one of my goals.

Please share more details as you get yours up and running.

I am guessing you have to deal with snow and ice whereas we
have to deal with heat, lightning, and hurricanes here!


Roger K8RI on Tower wrote:
> I've thought of putting up a tower cam, but modifying a cam corder.  I 
> managed to pick up a digital one on close out.  20:1 mechanical zoom.  I 
> hope to use pan, tilt, and zoom controls, but it's going to take a cable.

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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============\ #    West Central Florida
     KD4E     ==============================
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