[TowerTalk] Tower Cam 2.4Gig and noise (was Tower Cam)
Roger K8RI on Tower
k8ri-tower at charter.net
Sat Apr 9 20:09:21 EDT 2005
> This sounds more promising, 20:1 mechanical zoom, re. one of my goals.
Keep watch at Best Buy, Circuit City, and the other big discount stores.
They often have very good prices on the demonstrators that are hooked up for
people to play with. (watch out for sticky finger *stuff* and gum) They
replace these cameras quite often and usually sell them at a hefty discount.
> Please share more details as you get yours up and running.
> I am guessing you have to deal with snow and ice whereas we
> have to deal with heat, lightning, and hurricanes here!
Oh, we get ice, snow, rain, lightening, heat, and tornados.
My tower gets hit about three times a summer and we had a little F-1 tornado
go right across the yard and house. It was tearing the tops out of the
trees, but did no damage to the house or antennas. Three of us ended up
being right in it. )Two neighbors and myself.) Most hurricanes have
stronger winds than an F-1. (75mph) So I know that array stood up to 75 MPH
winds at least once.<:-))
Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> doc
> Roger K8RI on Tower wrote:
>> I've thought of putting up a tower cam, but modifying a cam corder. I
>> managed to pick up a digital one on close out. 20:1 mechanical zoom. I
>> hope to use pan, tilt, and zoom controls, but it's going to take a cable.
> --
> Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
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