[TowerTalk] Anti-climb panels for a crank-up tower

doc kd4e at verizon.net
Thu Apr 14 11:05:57 EDT 2005

I understand that the Chinese Elm hedge grows very rapidly in most
areas such that it would cover an "ugly" fence within a year or two.

> I would like to get/make an anti-climb device for my tower.  It is a 70'
> motorized crank-up/pull-down tower by Tashjian Towers.  I won't be able to
> clamp anything around the legs because of the moving contact points between
> the tower sections.  In addition, the motor, gear box, and cable drum
> protrude at the bottom.  I was thinking that a sheet metal shield starting
> above the level of the motor, bear box, and drum might work, but am unsure
> how it could be attached without interfering with the moving parts of the
> tower.  A fence around the tower is out of the question for aesthetic
> reasons, therefore my only option is to fence in the back yard.  Does anyone
> figured out how to make an anti-climb device for such a tower?
> Craig, AE7I

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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============\ #    West Central Florida
     KD4E     ==============================
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