[TowerTalk] Anti-climb panels for a crank-up tower
Roger K8RI on Tower
k8ri-tower at charter.net
Thu Apr 14 14:29:27 EDT 2005
I'm thinking along the lines of camoflaging a fence instead of trying to
jury rig anti-climb panels.
I no longer remember the name of the stuff, but wayyy back when I lived on a
farm (and even farmed a bit) we were able to pick up several types of bushes
from the soil conservation distric to use as hedges in fence rows. In two
years this stuff grew to the point you didn't even need fences to keep in
the cattle.
It thrived when everything else was drying up. How well it'd do in Nevada,
I don't know.
I remember it had bright orange berries in the Fall and it may have had
thorns. It was supposed to provide cover for Phesants.
Something like that would probably require trimming several times a year.
Creating the gate and then the support so the hedge would move with the gate
is an interesting thought. I like the idea. Too bad I can't remember the
name of the stuff, but I think I can find someone who does.
I've seen some kind of vine used to replace grass in Arizona and New Mexico.
Something like that could be planted in hangers/planters on a lattice
covering the fence.
Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
>I understand that the Chinese Elm hedge grows very rapidly in most
> areas such that it would cover an "ugly" fence within a year or two.
>> I would like to get/make an anti-climb device for my tower. It is a 70'
>> motorized crank-up/pull-down tower by Tashjian Towers. I won't be able
>> to
>> clamp anything around the legs because of the moving contact points
>> between
>> the tower sections. In addition, the motor, gear box, and cable drum
>> protrude at the bottom. I was thinking that a sheet metal shield
>> starting
>> above the level of the motor, bear box, and drum might work, but am
>> unsure
>> how it could be attached without interfering with the moving parts of the
>> tower. A fence around the tower is out of the question for aesthetic
>> reasons, therefore my only option is to fence in the back yard. Does
>> anyone
>> figured out how to make an anti-climb device for such a tower?
>> Craig, AE7I
> --
> Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e
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