[TowerTalk] Yahoo and Spam! Was: New Ham Automation reflector

Alan NV8A (ex. AB2OS) nv8a at att.net
Mon Apr 25 19:43:00 EDT 2005

I get very little Spam addressed to the email addresses I use for Yahoo 
groups (but they are not Yahoo email addresses). By far the majority of 
Spam I get comes to an email address I was silly enough to use on Usenet 
for a while.

Both on Yahoo groups and on the various email lists to which I subscribe 
I probably get more tedious messages griping about allegedly off-topic 
posts than actual Spam! ;-)


Alan NV8A

On 04/25/05 05:15 pm Jim Rhodes tossed the following ingredients into 
the ever-growing pot of cybersoup:

> Seems like every time I sign up for anything on yahoo, I start getting tons 
> of obnoxious spam that has to be filtered out. So I don't go there anymore.

>>>>At the risk of being off-topic again, I wanted to advise that I have just
>>>>set up such a group on yahoogroups.com.  The title is Ham Station
>>>>Automation, and the e-mail address is hamautomation at yahoogroups.com.  To
>>>>quote from the group's charter:
>>>There is already a "Remotebase" reflector on qth.net.  It seems like
>>>it would be better to use this list rather than starting a splinter
>>>group on Yahoo, unless there is some advantage to Yahoo Groups that
>>>is worth looking at advertising.

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