[TowerTalk] Dayton

Jack - K4WSB K4WSB at arrl.net
Tue Apr 26 09:40:38 EDT 2005

One simply cannot 'stop by for a while' at the Dayton Hamfest.

Many years ago we took a Seneca and 6 guys.  The trip home on Sunday...
Well, to make a long story short, we took the entire jetway for the take-off!

At 09:31 PM 4/25/2005 -0400, Roger Halstead wrote:
>Is there going to be a TowerTalk get together at Dayton?  HF antenna and
>tower forums?
>Anything of specific interest to TowerTalkians?
>45 years a Ham and I've never made it to Dayton or even the Findlay swaps.
>I'm planning on stopping off at the convention for a while on the way to
>Pinkneyville IL with the old Debonair.  I can just see it with a
>Hallicrafters boat anchor in each of the other 3 seats.  350# of balast.  I
>should burn off just enough gas between here and Dayton to still be at or
>under the gross weight limit.
>Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
>N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2

Jack Hartley
DXCC Honor Roll
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