[TowerTalk] on guying towers

Roger K8RI on Tower k8ri-tower at charter.net
Thu Apr 28 16:56:11 EDT 2005

We, or most of us, do use rebar, but it is used to reinforce the concrete 
and the ROHN catalog has instructions on how to arrange (lengths and bends 
to make) the rebar.

> not that i have ever guyed a tower, let alone would ever want to, but in
> putting concrete pads down for portable buildings/cabins, i always drive
> 6 foot lengths of 3/4 inch rebar and various angles leaving 8 inches or
> so out of the ground for the concrete to hang to. this is to stabilize
> the ground around the post.
> i have not read of this being done in the messages talking about digging
> big holes for concrete guy supports

I'm a firm believer that they should not allow the construction of any home 
without a basement, or building on land  where you can't have a basement. 
(I've lived in tornado country far too long) <:-))  If I built in florida 
I'd have to find one of the few hills, or build my own so I could have a 

With tower guying we depend on the weight to hold the tower and the guys. 
Hence the large amounts of concrete in large holes.  Rerod used as you do 
for home on a slab would likely cause the slab to be blown to bits on the 
first hard lightening strike.  OTOH, some station installations depend on 
large areas of reinforced concrete to provide a ground.  I have forgotten 
the name of this procedure, but I'm sure one of the engineers on here can 
fill us in.

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> mike w7dra
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