[TowerTalk] Looking For Monobanders Pacific NW Area
w7tmt at dayshaw.net
Mon Aug 1 21:06:48 EDT 2005
The real problem with Boeing surplus is that we (Boeing) don't "build"
aircraft anymore. We are now officially a "Large Scale Systems
Integrator". Translated that means that a huge and growing amount of
the work is done elsewhere and "we" (that would be Boeing) just
assemble the major pieces here in Puget Sound and slap the Boeing logo
on them. As a result the once great source of tubing and other raw
materials simply has dried up. If you want used office furniture or
out-of-date PC's (suitable for running DOS apps and therefore of
interest to many Hams) then the surplus store has what you want.
Regarding the price issue... a few years ago before the raw stock fell
to near zero, the "Surplus Center" became a profit center and at it's
peak actually generated nearly $56 million dollars of income for the
company in a single year. The old days of cheap and plentiful raw
materials, tools etc. are now a dim memory (along with 45,000 American
(3+ decades with Boeing)
-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
mwdink at eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2005 9:18 AM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Looking For Monobanders Pacific NW Area
That must of been a long time ago?
I also used to get tubing from Boeing @ $1.25 a pound. (I live just up
the hill from there.) Then they learned that 6061-T was really popular
and started charging by the length.
(Used to love getting the 1/4 inch walled stuff.) Last stuff I bought
was small diameter and they wanted $4 for a 8ft length.
These days, antenna useable tubing is really scarce though it
occasionally pops up. You almost have to check out the yard once a
week. Even the wire is somewhat sporadic (feast or famine).
Good luck
dink, n7wa
> Have you tried Boeing Surplus in Kent for Tubing. Ive built several
> anteannas from tubing I found there.
> Scotty N7HJ
> On 7/31/05, Jim W7RY <w7ry at centurytel.net> wrote:
>> I'm looking for monobanders especially 15 meters in the Washington
>> and Oregon areas.
>> I could also use some tubing to construct my own. What do you
>> Thanks and 73
>> Jim W7RY
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1-800-333-9041 with any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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