[TowerTalk] More Sparky Questions

Steve London n2ic at arrl.net
Thu Aug 4 13:57:32 EDT 2005

Thanks to everyone for their extremely helpful suggestions on dealing with my 
hilltop rock QTH.

It looks like the most reasonable things to do are:

1) Install a number of copper strip radials from the tower base along the surface.

2) Ground the bulkhead to the AC service ground.

Now, here's the dumb questions ....

Let's assume I want to create a copper ring around the tower, and attach the 
copper strips to the copper ring.

- Which of the Polyphaser (or other) products let me clamp a copper strip to a 
Rohn 45 tower leg ?  I see a number of Polyphaser TK-series clamps that look 
like hose clamps.  Okay, that goes around the tower leg, but now I need to 
securely attach the copper strip to the clamp.  Another SS hose clamp on top, or 
?  Is this even the right product to use ?

- How should I attach the copper strips to the copper ring ?  Clearly, I want as 
much surface area of the copper strap to be in contact with the copper ring as 
possible. I presume that soldering is a no-no for this purpose ?

Steve, N2IC/5

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